Software Engineering Incubator

About the Incubator

The Software Engineering Incubator is a bi-annual gathering held in Copenhagen. This in-person event is designed to foster meaningful and productive discussions among key decision-makers in technology and leading academic researchers. The primary goal is to facilitate the sharing of ideas and the exploration of new collaborations, focusing on creating actionable outcomes.

Event Highlights

Intimate Scale and Focus

What sets the Software Engineering Incubator apart is its intentional scale and focus. By keeping the event small, we facilitate genuine connections and in-depth discussions among peers who are leading and inspiring change within the Copenhagen tech community.

Open Dialogue

Understanding the value of open and honest discussions, we provide a space where participants can share freely. Adhering to the Chatham House Rule, we ensure that ideas can be exchanged without the need to attribute them directly, fostering a more open dialogue.

Interactive Sessions

Our discussions are guided by Liberating Structures, making sessions more engaging and ensuring everyone has the opportunity to contribute. This approach is designed to make our time together more productive and enjoyable.

Outcomes from the First Edition

AI Adoption in Software Development

  • Sustainability Concerns: Emphasis on the balanced adoption of generative AI, addressing user expectations and ecological responsibility.
  • Adoption Speed and Integration: Varied adoption rates across organizations, reflecting a spectrum from full integration to cautious engagement.
  • Development Profiles: Concerns about AI’s impact on the development of junior developers’ skills and the future availability of experienced senior developers.
  • AI as a Tool: Consensus that AI should be viewed strictly as a tool to aid human developers.
  • Future Potential and Education: The future of generative AI in software development is promising, moving towards more intuitive design processes. Education should focus on critical thinking and understanding the broader role of a software engineer.

Business-IT Alignment

  • Barriers to Alignment: Barriers included premature technology adoption, large organizational structures, and the lack of shared values.
  • Role of AI: AI tools, particularly AI-driven recommendation systems, can bridge the gap between business objectives and engineering processes.
  • Consumer-Driven Impact: Business initiatives should align with consumer values and preferences.

AI Testing and Reliability

  • Challenges with AI Outputs: Issues like the unpredictability of AI behavior and maintenance of code quality were extensively discussed.
  • Enhanced Testing Opportunities: AI’s potential to automate and enhance testing processes was highlighted.
  • Educational Needs: Developers need training in critically evaluating AI tools to ensure reliability and effectiveness.

Project vs. Product Development

  • Development Approaches: Product-led development was favored for its long-term value and adaptability, while project-led development was critiqued for fostering short-term thinking and technical debt.
  • Technical and Managerial Solutions: Suggestions included better initial planning, stakeholder alignment, and viewing fast project execution as a valuable product in itself.

Apply to Our Community

If you are eager to be part of a community that fosters university-industry collaborations and values open, honest dialogue within a safe space, then you can apply to join us. Your participation will place you at the forefront of discussions shaping the future of software engineering. You will engage with leaders in the field, share your insights, and contribute to meaningful advancements in technology.

Sign Up Here

Organization Committee

Daniel Russo – Associate Professor, Aalborg University Copenhagen

Paolo Tell – Associate Professor, IT University of Copenhagen

Alberto Lluch Lafuente – Full Professor, Technical University of Denmark

Peter Sebastian Winslow – Chief Technical Officer, Valtech

Contact Information

You are welcome to join us at the Software Engineering Incubator to contribute your expertise and collaborate with peers shaping the future of the tech industry. If you would like to have more information, you are welcome to contact me.